Joseph Perrier Cuvée Royale Rose NV Champagne
12% | 750ml
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Joseph Perrier Cuvée Royale Rose NV is a light refreshing rose with red fruit characters of cooked strawberries, raspberries, blackcurrants, redcurrants and white currants. Delicate in colour and easy to drink yet with the power and fruit to match ham hock terrine or pink lamb. A delightful example of rose Champagne.
- Producer
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- Grapes
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- Wine Style
- Dry / Sweet
Champagne Joseph Perrier is a family owned, family run Grande Marque House founded in 1825 in Chalons en Champagne. It is run today by Benjamin Fourmon who is the sixth generation of his family to do so, since taking over from Joseph Perrier in 1888. The winery and cellars are in the city of Chalons with 3kms of galleries dug into the chalk where the champagnes are aged. With vineyards in Cumieres, Hautvillers, Damery and Verneuil the style is fresh and approachable with great appeal.