Hearach Single Malt Whisky


46% | 700ml


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Hearach whisky is made with little automation, and we prefer to rely on the ‘human touch’ throughout our whisky-making.

Our local distillers use their judgement and experience to decide the cut-points by nose and sight, they manually adjust the steam valves, and process decisions are made as a team at every step on a daily basis.

The difference this makes to the final dram may be hard to define but we feel the use of island hands will bring something extra to the spirit we finally bottle.

The emphasis on people throughout the production process also serves to create employment that would otherwise be lost in a more ‘push-button’ operation.

Hearach whisky is a Harris whisky, and we do not seek to emulate other drams or regions.

The elegant flavours of our whisky will be perceived differently by different people as they allow the complex character of our dram to unfold in their glass over time.

So, we won’t issue any ‘official’ tasting notes and instead encourage folk to explore the scents and sensory experience of The Hearach single malt from a more personal point of view.

Instead, each batch will come with some simple words written by someone from our local community as they enjoy a glass and delve a little deeper into their island memories and imagination, to help things along.

SKU: XY163A Categories: ,

Due to the nature of our portfolio the specific vintage of the product you receive may not be the exact as displayed on the page. Please check with our store team prior to confirming your order if you require a specific vintage - shop@cockburnsofleith.co.uk, or 0131 603 3333.

If you are unhappy with the product you receive then please contact us for an exchange or refund.


We couldn’t have done this without the support of Harris and the people of the whole island. The distillery can be a showcase for Harris around the world. It is a ground of hope here on the shores of East Loch Tarbert.