Grüner Veltliner Eiswein Stift Kloster Neuburg
9.5% | 370ml
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The Grüner Veltliner Icewine shows a full variety of the flavours and
intense notes of this unique terrior. A strong yellow colouration, an
intensively fruity bouquet. Furthermore, it exhibits charming creaminess
on the palate and an exceptionally long finish.
- Producer
- Grapes
- Bottle Size
- Vintage
- Colour
- Country
- Region
- Wine Style
- Dry / Sweet
The history of Klosterneuburg Monastery and its wine estate begins in 1114, it is therefore the oldest wine estate in Austria. The winery cultivates 108 hectares of vineyars and counts to the biggest and renowned wine estates of Austria. The vineyards are situated in selected top locations in Klosterneuburg, Vienna, Gumpoldskirchen and Tattendorf.
Since the year 2009 it is the first carbon neutral wine estate in Europe.