Bollinger Rosé Champagne NV
12% | 750ml
A bright rosé with subtle golden hues. The nobility of red berries: hints of red currant, cherry and wild strawberry; a spicy touch, not unlike Special Cuvée. A subtle combination of structure, length and vivacity, with a tannic finish due to the adjunction of red wine; bubbles as fine as velvet; flavours of wild berries.
- Producer
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- Wine Style
Champagne Bollinger is more than a great champagne: it is a great Champagne house. This is thanks to the nature that surrounds it and the hands of the people who shape it, from one generation to the next.
A History of Taste:
Champagne Bollinger has been making great wines with a powerful, refined and complex style since 1829. Their wines express the aromas of the fruit in all its dimensions. This truly unique taste is the result of a particular affinity for the elegance of pinot noir and uncompromising excellence. In addition, their exceptional vineyard and the traditional craftsmanship handed down through the generations with the utmost care since 1829.